We had a banner 1st week of school. Every kiddo had a great week. My little guy said, "School is fun, and my teacher is funny! I like Latin and Science!" This is a huge improvement from a year ago when lunch and recess were his highlights!
There is just something extra special about the 1st day of school. A clean slate, a new beginning, and lots of hope all rolled up inside each other!
The boys are back in school while Sissy and are home.

Our pastor stands outside and greets everyone with a cheerful, 'Good Morning!' I just love that he makes the time to be available to anyone and everyone, and he is a busy guy! That really struck me as I look back at the first year we came to this school. He is a wonderful shepherd!
This cutie patootie has been a love of my son's since 1st grade. She has the most adorable personality! He was very excited when he saw their desks were paired up!
I tried like 10 times to get a picture of him with his eyes open. Viola'! I have so many pictures of this child with his eyes half-opened.
And this character I can't seem to get a good shot without the cheesy smile...sigh...
Alas, a photo with a smile! These are the perks of school at home, lunch on the south veranda with my favorite girl. Broccoli pizza on homemade pizza crust, puppy joins us too.
We are lovin' this history curriculum. Sissy made a wedding invitation for Isabelle and Ferdinand. She penned a poem about September and wrote it in calligraphy in her nature journal.
The pools are now closing,
And doors open wide.
The leaves are now spinning,
Kids now seem to hide.
The quiet of the neighborhood,
Like something is amiss,
Since we are now in school,
We give summer a goodbye kiss.
It was beautiful weather this week. Beds got stripped and laundered and hung out to dry. You can definitely smell autumn in the air.
I had a little time to play and freshened up a few areas around the house. This table was tucked in a corner upstairs so I brought it out and placed it in a high traffic area. There is no overhead light in this little hallway and this lamp is just what it needed. My eldest commented that the chances of it getting knocked into were high, I know, I know! A girl can dream!
To finish off our week of studying the Victorian Period we girls had tea in pretty china cups. Tea just tastes better in a Limoges cup.
Thank you Lord for a wonderful beginning to our school year!