Sunday, October 3, 2010

Basil Harvest Down on the Farm

We took a quick jaunt to VA this weekend.  My father-in-law loves to garden and he has a glowing green thumb.  In the past they have had chickens, but they moved across the street to the neighbors.  Now his organic garden is rather small, more of a hobby for him now.  He and I have memories of canning tomatoes and tomato juice.  My sweet mother-in-law and I are the pesto makers.  That is what we did yesterday.  Here is a quick tutorial on harvesting basil and making pesto.
By the end of the season the basil has gone to seed.  See the tip of the plant it looks like tiny flowers, cut that off before you pick it.  It sort of shakes the plant and lets the seeds fall to the ground.

Pick the leaves off the plant.  All that is left is the stem.
The pile you see on the table will make about 7 batches of pesto.

After all the leaves are picked (this is by far the most tedious part) rinse the basil in cold water.  It gets off all the 'no-see-ums'.

Prepare to make a mess.  Get all your ingredients out including your food processor and plastic containers for freezing.  My mother-in-law uses a muffin tin for hers since they only eat small amounts at a time.  Once the pesto is frozen you pop it out and put the hockey pucks into a freezer bag.

Pesto freezes well.  It also makes great gifts or a quick appetizer to take to a party.  It is well worth the effort to spend a few hours making this yummy treat.

After we slaved in kitchen we has a little old fashion fun on the farm.

There was a lot of hootin and hollarin goin on during a game of croquette.

The weather was dreamy.  The sunshine warmed our skin and the breeze refreshed our souls.

No one admits to being competitive, but we called the game VA vs. MD.

Papa dug up some sweet potato gold.  This has to be the healthiest food on the planet!

They grow in clusters.  They will need to cure for a week or so and then stored in a dry, cool place.

We enjoyed our visit with Glen.  He is finishing the tile in our master bathroom remodel.  Can't wait for that 3 year project to come to completion!!  Woo Hoo!

My girl and her Grammy.

A farm would not be a farm without a tractor ride!  The stars are brilliant in the country.  Can you see the moon in the upper right hand corner?

Good-byes are hard when you don't see each other often.  We will next see them in November for our nephews wedding!

I will post 2 pesto recipes tomorrow.


1 comment:

Heather O'Steen Photography said...

oooh - what a beautiful weekend you had! i'm so glad you were able to have some refreshing time with your family. Your pesto ROCKS!! yummmmm! Love the tractor picture!