Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Taj Mahal

 Like most things with an older home, little by little, you tackle home improvement  projects as you go along.  The shed just couldn't hold itself together one moment longer.  So Doug tried out his karate skills and relieved some stress in the process.

We went to Lowe's to check out their shed-in-a-box kits but none were satisfactory to hubby.  Now Leui is a regular Macgyver and is a do-yourselfer.  So he went to the library, got out some books on building sheds and designed his own plan.  It has been fun watching him create this Mac Daddy Shed.
TA DA!!!  We managed to get out there last weekend and pop that paint on in the 53 degree weather.  Paint, like me,  isn't fond of the cold.  Next year the brick patio will be added as well as some shrubbery.  Way to go Leui!!

Coram Deo,

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