Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wag More, Bark Less

Have you seen the bumper sticker that says, 'Wag More, Bark Less"?  So simple, yet so very poignant.  Our daughter is an animal lover.  She has always delighted in furry creatures of any kind.  She begged and begged for a dog for so long that 2 years ago we feel prey to those big brown eyes of hers.  Now in our family is a cavapoo named Toby.  You have to know, of course, that we prayed long and hard about this dog because hubby and I are cat people.  We researched the different kinds of dogs, interviewed dog owners (dog people love to talk dog!!) and visited various breeds.  I will happily admit, God listened and answered our prayers about having a calm, sweet, calm, friendly, calm, well-behaved dog. 

Our cat, Sophia, has allowed him entrance into her domain and the two together are a hilarious sight.  The hard part about Toby is when Sissy goes away for a sleepover.  Oh my does he lament!  He searches the house high and low again and again and comes to me with this pitiful face as if to say, "Do you realize she is not here?  I cannot find her anywhere!  Oh, what will I do (whimper whimper)!"  Poor thing!  He will either sit by the front door poised for her return or go into her room and wait.  He is the picture of faithfulness and love.  I love the verse from Proverbs 16:24 that says,

"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones."  We all love to be the recipients of accaolades and acknowledgement.  I pray that we will be the giver of pleasant words, and that our sweet words will be a breath of fresh air to all we interact with throughout the day.  My mom's bible study group is having an accountability for all negative words spoken.  Yep, at the end of the day they have to tally up their check marks.  She has gotten close but is still striving for a blank paper at the end of the day.  Keep goin Mom you are so close, only 2 check marks!  I once did a study on Beauty Care for the Tongue that was very convicting.  Such dribble can fall from our lips that we never give a second thought about until we finally start paying attention and taking note.  I want to be the kind of gal that regardless of what is going on; you don't have to do a thing to feel loved and appreciated.  I want to be faithful to my calling to love.  It's a lofty goal.  I forget about it throughout the day.  But I do want to continue to aspire to more tail wagging!  Howl 'bout you, will you join me?



webbmom said...

Wag, wag! You have inspired me to pay more attention to my words, especially toward those I tend to get frustrated with. Thanks for the encouragement to stop barking - and to stop justifying my barking.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sweet Girl,

I love the idea that we can start this rolling stone so that we can be mindful of our words. One gal in our study said when she started tallying her negative words, her husband NOTICED! This week we are asking our spouse or child to remind us when we prepared as they really want to be
Oh, you are a precious jewel, my daughter!

♥♥EW's mom