Thursday, August 26, 2010

Family Devotions

We have had many great family fun nights over the years.  Spending time together playing and in the Word sticks in their memory more than any other activity that we do together.  It has been challenging as they get older to keep everybody focused and involved.  This week our  pastor has been preaching in 1 Corinthians 13.  I have been studying the passage during my quiet time and came up with the idea of breaking down the love verses into pieces and playing charades.  You have to insert your name for the word love.
We laughed and giggled as we tried to convey our part of the passage.  Sissy caught on quickly; and since she has the passage memorized she was the one to guess most of the verses.  After we finished the game we lined up all the verses in order and read them and talked about which ones come easily to us and which ones we need to work on and pray more about.  Patience was the top pick for me, I can feel the strain of summer's lackadaisical, non-routine, 'come what may' taking its toll!
I love these nights too.  I pray many more to come.


1 comment:

Heather O'Steen Photography said...

This is awesome! LOVE IT!! I was just reading that passage this morning :)