Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blanket Victory

Are you an early riser or a night owl?  When you have a 7 yr old and a 14 yr old you have to be both!  Admittedly, I am ready to check out by 10 p.m.  There are no more brain cells left, patience is empty, and energy level begins to bottom out.  In the morning the only thought on my mind is reconnecting with my coffee pot!  While the java is brewing I putz around the house tidying up and going through piles, fluffing pillows, just mindless programming that gets my day in order.  Then when the glorious moment arrives and the aroma tweaks my brain cells I pour the first cup, grab my bible bag and head for the dining room table.  I like to sit by the back window and watch the sky change colors and see what birds visit the bird feeder.  It is the most peace-filled part of my entire day!  I love it.  I sit there until the stirrings of my house begin.  Then I sit some more.  I spread out all my stuff ( I love my stuff) which includes:  my bible, my journal, my devotionals or bible study book, my daytimer, and of course my coffee. 

AHHH, so so sweet are these moments.  One thing I have learned about quiet time is distractions will positively come, usually in the form of your thoughts.  That is why I keep my daytimer with me so when I think of something that needs to get done or a phone call I need to make or whatever else, I quick jot it down and move on.  Sometimes I use a devotional that jump starts my quiet time.   Then I pray, say good morning to the Lord and ask him to illuminate a verse that He has for me that day.  Right now I am working through an organized 365 daily reading bible that has an Old Testament excerpt, New Testament excerpt, a Psalm, and a Proverb.  I will take notes as I am reading to things that stand out to me or maybe a scripture verse that I want to memorize, or maybe one that a friend might need to know.  Whatever is speaking to my heart I write it in my journal.  Things vary over time; I switch books and bibles to keep things fresh.  Last year I taught my kids how to read scripture using the form S.O.A.P.: scripture, observations, application, and prayer.  Here is an example, first pick a verse or small chapter, for now I will use Psalm 5:3:
S----"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
O----There is something special about the morning.  The day is fresh, our thoughts are fresh, and there is a clean slate before us.  I can share with God the things that will fill my day and ask Him to ordain what happens and what doesn't.  I can go into the day with God, hand-in-hand, having thought about the important pieces and perhaps reorganizing things that can wait.
A----I need blanket victory!!! (especially when it is cold and dark in the morning and my bed is so warm and snuggly).  I remember how much better my days are when I start them off with the Lord, because for me, if it doesn't happen first thing in the morning, it doesn't happen at all.  Let's face it; the tyranny of the urgent is tugging at me constantly!
P----Father God I love to spend the morning with you.  Seeing the sky change from blues to purples to hints of pinks (that I know you make just for me, pink is my signature color!) to the opening of the sun casting its welcome on our home.  Help me to have blanket victory and throw off the covers and get to the table of grace where you wait patiently for me.  Thank you that your mercies are new every morning, thank you for a new day. Amen.
That is one idea, or maybe you could do a word study, or reference the scriptures in the side bar that take you around the bible where that same idea is explained.  Perhaps you will have a bible study book that you are working through that helps you dive deeper into the word.  Did you know that there are 31 Proverbs, you could read one each day of the month.  The ideas are endless really; I would love it if you would share yours!


Sandy said...

Stacey- Thank you for blessing my life.I love reading your blogs and the encouragement they bring.Have a joy-filled day dear friend.

Heather O'Steen Photography said...

I loved peeking into your quiet mornings. And peeking into your mind and heart as well. You are an inspiration!

Doulalisa said...

I did NOT have blanket victory this morning! School delayed for 2 hours so back to bed for inspire me!