Monday, April 5, 2010

Enchanted with Musicals

We had the opportunity to see 2 inspiring musicals this weekend.  The Rock and the Rabbi is a story of the powerful friendship between a fisherman and a teacher.  The story begins when Jesus chooses the 12 disciples and journeys all the way to the cross with them. This narrative will ignite your retelling of the gospels in a powerful way.  There is so much energy and emotion in this group of musicians.  The Rock & The Rabbi isn't your ordinary gospel musical. The production is first class all the way. It has interesting dialogue, catchy tunes and a diversity of talent to bring it to life. Simon, renamed Peter by Jesus, conversationally retells his view of Jesus' ministry and miracles. It is a story of friendship and betrayal, forgiveness and reconciliation that touches the heart. The musical has been on tour since 1999 and they have performed all over the country.  This is a great CD to purchase and listen to on your next long trip in the car. 

Part II  is called The Witnesses. It tells the story of Peter and Paul (formally Saul) and the birth of the Church.  The story and songs are breathtaking.  You will be humming them long after you hear the voice of Neal Coomer and Josiah Martin sing. 
My daughter said, "I wish they would tell the whole bible like that!"

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