Friday, March 18, 2011

Fine Arts Festival

I am in kid zone these past weeks, BIG TIME!!!  After last weekend's Revolve Tour, this week I spent the day in Pennsylvania at the Fine Arts Festival with 6 upper classman from my kids school.  I also got to ride with my girlfriend and catch-up on life to and from the event so it was a double blessing!  My eldest is very artistic.  He entered a pencil drawing into the competition as well as a piano solo in the music division.  He played an improvisational jazz piece, Peter Gun, by Henry Mancini.  He took home a red and white ribbon from the day.

He also accompanied his friend on the piano as she sang a beautiful song in another language that I don't know the name of!

There was some really tough competition there.  The bar is set way high!  I think they were all challenged and eager for next year's competition.  All glory was given to God for the gifts and talents he bestows upon us.

For the King,

1 comment:

Heather O'Steen Photography said...

It was a great day! So fun to spend the time with you and those incredible kiddos!!