Friday, January 7, 2011

A Little Help Matey

Adam & Eve Pictures, Images and Photos

Act 1:  Paradise.  My brain often wonders what it was like.  I want the full story, the director's notes, the 'between the lines' scoop.  Adam was in paradise.  He walked daily with God, but yet there was a need.  A need for a helpmate.  Por Favor?  Let's pause here for un momento.  In Act 1, of the story of man,  Adam is flying solo.  His title is Horticulturalist and CEO of all labeling.  Obviously he had to use his noggin to think of names for all the beasts and birds.  As a gardener, he didn't have to fuss with water, usually a great concern for farmers, because mist went up from the earth and watered everything, compliments of God (Genesis 2:6).  Now this is just a wild guess but I don't think he had an insect problem to deal with or the need for much fertilizer or mulch beings that everything was brand spanking new.  Perhaps a little tilling in his organic garden.  BUT YET...something is missing.  He needs a companion, a helpmate the bible calls Eve.

Act 2 enter Eve.  What comes to mind when you hear the word helpmate? A basic definition would be "a helpful companion".  Great!  Someone to share life and the load with.  A small, tiny, insignificant detail or two to mention here:  there was no laundry to do because they were buck naked, there were no dishes to wash, or dinner to make (okay, maybe the occasional fruit salad to spice things up a bit), no kids to raise, no house to clean, no shopping to do, no errands, no appointments, no emails to return, and no oil to change in the car.

The Script:
Adam:  Good Morning God, Good Morning Eve, Good Morning Sunshine!
Eve:  Good Morning Adam!  What shall we do today?
Adam:  I was thinking of picking some wild blueberries today, wanna come?
Eve:  Oh I love blueberries, we can dine over berries and spring water for breakfast!

Even in tilling and tending the garden, there was no canning or storing the fruit.  And what about weeds?  Do you think there were weeds in Paradise.  I THINK NOT!

Back to Eve.  What was her role and how did she fill it?  Eve provided something for Adam that nothing else could compare to.  She was his soul mate, his sounding board, his flesh and bones.  This mystical union was like none other.  She added something to his life that completed him.  Her smile, her touch, her voice, her nearness, her woman-ness.  As wives we share this with Eve.  We are one of a kind in our husband's world.  We have the ability to build them up and embrace them with our love.  Our guys crave this, need this, want this desperately!  Are ya stingy?  Are you withholding?  Are ya hiding behind a wall of excuses?  If so, let me encourage you to pick up your script and read on.  Unlike Adam, God designed us without DIRT!  He just needed a rib and viola, there was woman!  We have been fashioned and designed for great things.  Our sexual nature is not to be a manipulating tool.  We have the power to make our man feel like King of the Hill.  We have the foresight and wisdom to know that Satan wants to devour the spiritual leaders of our hearts and home and to me...THIS MEANS WAR!  I do my part in being a safe oasis to my guy and God blesses the rest.  I want hubby to go out in the world feeling like Top Dog and equipped conquer the darts that fly his way.  I want the fulfillment in his heart to know he belongs and is wanted and respected.  Life is messy.  We all have baggage, insecurities, short-comings and hang-ups.  Shelf that and read on that we are the bride of Christ. 

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.  Ephesians 5: 15-16, 24b

How will you protect your marriage against the evil surrounding everywhere (billboards, magazine, internet, co-workers, walking in the mall...)?  Defend your turf and understand what the Lord's will is, not to be confused with your will, and take action.  Being a wife is not a passive position.  We are part of the Lord's army, and you girlfriend are a fellow warrior in the battle of protecting your marriage.  Use all the weapons you have been given!

Certa bonum certamen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a great reminder for all of us...
