Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Scarf

I was the benefactor of a beautiful gift today.  As I was leaping out of the car (due to being late for drama rehearsals, not mine, my kids) I swung the door shut and there appearing out of no-where is one of my dearest, sweetest friends standing there with NO coat on and her hands behind her back and a Cheshire cat smile upon her dear face.
If I could have bottled her up in that very moment I most certainly would have!  
She began talking a mile a minute about, "how she wanted to give me something for Christmas, but it wasn't finished and I had specifically asked if she was working on any new knitting projects (we are knitting buddies) and that she couldn't tell me and she so wanted to hurry and finish it and NOW it was finished, and I hope you like it ...".(she was breathless and I was completely enchanted with whatever it was hiding behind her back)!  She whips this light rasberry-ish funky scarf out and VIOLA' it was on my neck in a New York second!  I absolutely love, love, love it!
Jo is the kind of chick that can tackle any project with gusto.  Last summer she decided to put bead-board in her kitchen.  Hello??  Her favorite store is IKEA, why, because assembly is required!  I run shrieking from things like that.  I need visuals, someone to hold my hand, but not Jo!  We took one knitting class together and she has moved on to making baby sweaters and hats and now this.  Jo is my avid book worm, D.C. trekking, map-oriented, politically engaged, and most tender-hearted woman that I have ever met.  We have been friends since our kiddos were toddlers and have traveled the road of motherhood, wifey-hood, womanhood side by side.  She is the kind of friend that will bail you out of a jam when you are in Hawaii and you find out that one of your children needs a place to hang in between itinerary schedules.  I am blessed to call her friend.  I love ya girl!

 Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.  3 John 1:2



Unknown said...

You have described me so optimistically, I love that about you. Thank you for your overwhelmingly kind and encouraging words. But I am the one who is blessed to have you as my friend.

Heather O'Steen Photography said...

My two favorite ladies! Together in one post and picture! I too love my scarf Joanne made - we can be scarf twinsies - I loved watching the progress come along too! I am so blessed to call you both my dearest friends! Love you guys!